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Failing Towards Success: 4 Tips for Embracing Failure

Writer: Anwar AikenAnwar Aiken

Like everyone else in the world, I make mistakes and experience failures, sometimes multiple times a day. Failure is an inevitable part of life and it is something that everyone experiences. However, failure can be an asset, as it helps us to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals. I personally encourage everyone to embrace these experiences because they can help you get closer to your goals and achieve success. When we fail we are forced to reevaluate our approach and make necessary changes to our strategy. Many successful people have achieved their success by learning from their failures and using them as stepping stones to reach their goals.

In order to grow from failure, we must cultivate a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset can encourage you to change your perspective on failure, and view it as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than view it as a negative reflection of your abilities. We must believe that hard work and perseverance can allow us to overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals. A growth mindset allows us to approach our challenges with an attitude of optimism and determination. Now, I know that this advise is easier said than done, and can be paralyzing if we are unsure of where to start. Here are a few ways to approach failure and use our mistakes to our advantage.

Identify the Reasons for Failure

The first step for learning from failure is identifying the root cause behind it. This can involve a self-reflection process to understand the mistakes that were made and what could have been done differently. It’s important to be honest with yourself and not focus on blaming others. While it is necessary to recognize when external factors played a key part, it is equally important to recognize what you yourself could have done to improve matters.

Learn from the Experience

Once the reasons for failure have been identified, it’s important to learn from the experience and take steps to prevent it from happening again. This can involve developing a new strategy, seeking feedback from others or acquiring new skills or knowledge. To be more specific, ask yourself what you could have done differently to achieve a better result. Then develop a way to implement your new strategies.

Embrace Failure As Part of the Learning Process

Embracing failure can be the most challenging thing to do, but it is an integral part of personal growth and development. Our brains are programmed to learn from mistakes. That’s why we don’t usually fall for the same trick or trap twice. Our brains, instead, look for a solution or a different method of doing things. Therefore, we are created to learn from setbacks. Understand that mistakes made today are lessons for tomorrow, get back up, and move on.

Keep Trying

It’s important to keep trying even after experiencing a failure. If you fail at something and immediately give up, you are potentially closing the door to wild success. But it involves you leaning into the experience and fully engaging with the situation. To increase your failure threshold, try this trick: Set a number for failures. Tell yourself that you are willing to try “x” amount of times before you give up. This way you have to actively pursue a successful outcome multiple times and in multiple ways before you move on. Persistence and perseverance are key to success, and failure can be a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward towards our goals.

Failure should be viewed positively because it forces us out of our comfort zone and encourages us to take risks in order to succeed. Let’s not fear or shy away from failure as it can allow us to discover new opportunities and achieve greater levels of success. We learn more through our failures than we do from our quick successes, and we can only move forward confidently once we have embraced our failures and moved past them, turning them into experience along the way. Let’s make experience be the new name for our failures, and use them as stepping stones to our future successes.



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